Федеральное государственное бюджетное научное учреждение
"Всероссийский научно-исследовательский институт охотничьего хозяйства и звероводства имени профессора Б.М. Житкова"
(8332) 64-72-26
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Ratkiewicz M., Matosiuk M., Saveljev A.P., Sidorovich V., Ozolins J., Männil P., Balciauskas L., Kojola I., Okarma H., Kowalczyk R., Buś M., Schmidt K. Long-range gene flow and the effects of climatic and ecological factors on genetic structuring in a large, solitary carnivore: the Eurasian lynx // PLoS ONE, 2014. Vol. 9 № 12: e115160. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0115160.
Bochkov A.V., Saveljev A.P. Mites of the genus Schizocarpus Trouessart, 1896 (Acariformes: Chirodiscidae) from the North American beavers (Castor canadensis) in Russia // Parazitologiia, 2014. Vol.48. No 6. P. 430-436.
Bochkov A.V., Klimov P.B., Hestvik G., Saveljev A.P. Integrated Bayesian species delimitation and morphological diagnostics of chorioptic mange mites (Acariformes: Psoroptidae: Chorioptes) // Parasitology Research, 2014. Vol.113, №7, P. 2603-2627. doi: 10.1007/s00436-014-3914-9.
Matosiuk M., Sheremetyeva I.N., Sheremetyev I.S., Saveljev A.P., Borkowska A. Evolutionary neutrality of mtDNA introgression: evidence from complete mitogenome analysis in roe deer // Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 2014. Vol.27. №11. P. 2483–2494. doi: 10.1111/jeb.12491.
Matosiuk M., Borkowska A., Świslocka M., Borowski Z., Krysiuk K., Danilkin A.A., Zvychaynaya E.Y., Saveljev A.P., Ratkiewicz M. Unexpected population genetic structure of European roe deer in Poland: an invasion of the mtDNA genome from Siberian roe deer // Molecular Ecology, 2014. Vol. 23. № 10. P.2559–2572. doi: 10.1111/mec.12745.
Senn H., Ogden R., Frosch C., Syrůčková A., Campbell-Palmer R., Munclinger P., Durka W., Kraus R., Saveljev A.P., Nowak C., Stubbe A., Stubbe M., Michaux J., Lavrov V., Samiya R., Ulevicius A., Rosell F. Nuclear and mitochondrial genetic structure in the Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber) – implications for future reintroductions // Evolutionary Applications, 2014. Vol. 7, № 6, P. 645-662. doi: 10.1111/eva.12162.
Keis M., Remm J., Ho S.Y.W., Davison J., Tammeleht E., Tumanov I.L., Saveljev A.P., Männil P., Kojola I., Abramov A.V., Margus T., Saarma U. Complete mitochondrial genomes and a novel spatial genetic method reveal cryptic phylogeographical structure and migration patterns among brown bears in north-western Eurasia // Journal of Biogeography, 2013. Vol. 40. № 5. P. 915-927.
Чащухин В.А. Человек и охотничьи животные: развитие отношений. ВНИИОЗ, РАСХН. Киров, 2006. 207 с.
Hebblewhite, D.G. Miquelle, H. Robinson, D.G. Pikunov, Y.M. Dunishenko, V.V. Aramilev, I.G. Nikolaev, G.P. Salkina, I.V. Seryodkin, V.V. Gaponov, M.N. Litvinov, A.V. Kostyria, P.V. Fomenko, A.A. Murzin.
Including biotic interactions with ungulate prey and humans improves habitat conservation modeling for endangered Amur tigers in the Russian Far Eas // Biological Conservation. Indo-Pacific and Australazia. – 2014. p. 1 – 64
CABRIA, M. T.,  MICHAUX, J.R.,  GOMEZ-MOLINER, B.J., D. SKUMATOV, D., MARAN, T. FOURNIER, P.,  LOPEZ DE LUZURIAGA J. and  ZARDOYA R. 2011.  Bayesian analysis of hybridization and introgression between the endangered european mink (Mustela lutreola) and the polecat (Mustela putorius)// Molecular Ecology,  20 (6): 1176-1190